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Craig Hospital

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four young men playing a video game on a large screen mounted on the wall at the front of the room

AbleGamers has partnered with Craig Hospital to support adaptive gaming. As part of the Tech Lab and inpatient rehabilitation program at Craig Hospital, players receive individualized support with custom gaming setups to bring home.

Craig Hospital is on the cutting edge of spinal cord and brain injury rehabilitation, and gaming is part of the work they do.

AbleGamers and Craig Hospital have collaborated in the past with industry partners such as Microsoft to develop the Xbox Adaptive Controller. 

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text 'Craig Hospital Partnership, Individuals impacted by this partnership since January 2022 - 13. Equipment given $4,215


  • Craig Hospital offers one-on-one peer counseling supported by AbleGamers
  • Granting gaming equipment to those that cannot afford it
  • In order to help people with disabilities make social connections, Craig Hospital has Adaptive Gaming Events

News from the AbleGamers and Craig Hospital Partnership

Craig Hospital Partnership

Your Impact at Work When our patients and families come to Craig Hospital in Denver, CO, they are thrust into an overwhelming journey that was entirely unplanned. Sustaining a spinal cord injury and/or brain injury can cost upwards of $500,000…


ABLEGAMERS and CRAIG HOSPITAL PARTNERSHIP Your Impact at Work! AbleGamers partnered with Craig Hospital to provide equipment to their Arcade Fund, Craig Hospital’s Adaptive Gaming Program. The program awarded 19 people with 70+ pieces of equipment with an additional $3,500+…