Michael V

Michael is from Kansas City, MO. He has been gaming since he was eight years old and was forced to stop after he endured a Traumatic Brain Injury which impacted his life and his ability to game. The injury diminished his arm and hand function, so he is unable to hold a standard controller.
Before his injury, his favorite game was Madden. Ability KC, one of AbleGamers’ partners, connected Michael to our program. He was paired with a great team of people, including AbleGamers Peer Counselor Aaron, Sr. Director of Peer Counseling Andy, and Ability KC Occupational Therapist Haleigh, to figure out how to get him back to scoring touchdowns.
After working closely as a team, AbleGamers was able to provide Michael with a Mayflash Arcade Stick. When asked what he looks forward to most about getting to game again, he said “getting to play games with my brother.”
After receiving his gaming upgrade, Michael was able to play as his favorite team, the Kansas City Chiefs in Madden and is once again able to play with his brother. We are so proud to be part of Michael’s quest to get back to gaming!
Your support made this smile possible.
AbleGamers Peer Counselors and all of our Powered by AbleGamers Partners work one-on-one with each and every person. This is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a tailored experience to enable joy in someone’s life. Donate today to help us continue enabling play for people with disabilities.